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Empowering Live Streams with Accessibility Solutions

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Events and live streaming have become intertwined. 活动公司正成功地从面对面的展览转向虚拟聚会, with productions that go far beyond Zoom calls.

As they grow in both importance and sophistication, 在线事件的一个显著演变是标题的增加. 事件专家了解使虚拟事件符合ADA(美国残疾人) is now expected among their offerings. 直播正在呈现出专业直播的外观和感觉, 客户要求虚拟活动制作人在策划过程的早期提供封闭式字幕.

An Easy and Affordable Path to Captioning

Two solutions from EEG Video 正在成为确保虚拟活动的封闭式字幕质量的重要工具: Falcon Live Streaming Encoder and Lexi Automatic Captioning Service. Together, 它们形成了一个套件,使其更容易和负担得起,包括封闭的字幕,并确保听力受损的在线活动访问.

A fully virtual web service hosted on EEG Cloud, Falcon取代了传统的硬件字幕编码器,用于直接到网络的直播工作流. 活动制作人可以将Falcon与EEG的Lexi或专业的人类队长配对. 程序音频参考用于实时生成并返回封闭字幕到直播流中.

Falcon Live Stream RTMP Caption Encoder

Falcon Live Stream RTMP Caption Encoder

如今,许多虚拟活动都需要几十个线索和雄心勃勃的视觉效果, 将Falcon插入直播的便利性使其成为内容制作者的首选字幕解决方案. They also benefit from flexible deployment options, 猎鹰的能力使直播可以在所有主要平台上访问,包括 Facebook Live, YouTube Live Events, Wowza, Twitch, LiveStream, VBrick, IBM Watson Media, and more.

Falcon forms an optimal IP-based workflow with EEG’s AI-powered Lexi. With its ability to deliver over 95% accuracy in English, Spanish, and French for many common media types, Lexi是改善当前未覆盖材料的遵从性和可访问性的最佳选择. More affordable than human captioners, Lexi可以设置为在通知的瞬间自动为内容添加标题. 如果需要,莱西还提供了切换到人类俘虏的灵活性, 以及与许多其他EEG字幕解决方案的轻松集成.

Lexi Automatic Captioning Service

Lexi Automatic Captioning Service

Accuracy is an important benchmark of captioning quality. Lexi的突破性主题模型功能通过使其能够识别主题,进一步提高了其标题的准确性, immerse itself in distinctive vocabulary, 并通过吸收每个实现特有的相关web数据来观察上下文. With Topic Models and its new AI-driven Core Models feature, 与以前的语音转文本系统相比,Lexi的实时执行具有更高的准确性.

With virtual events’ ability to reach a truly global audience, producers can connect with even more people in more places using iCap Translate. A feature of Lexi, 这个工具翻译字幕和字幕从八种主要语言:英语, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Danish, and Maori. iCap翻译可以从这些由单语速记专家创建的任何语言的源标题中工作, a live Lexi speech-to-text job, or from a previously recorded and embedded caption track.

iCap Translate

iCap Translate

Falcon, Lexi, and iCap Translate form the comprehensive EEG Cloud suite of captioning solutions. Together, 他们创建了一套完整的实时流媒体云字幕服务,通过一次注册访问,易于使用和无缝集成.

ADA Accessibility: A Non-negotiable for Every Event

Together, EEG的Falcon和Lexi帮助虚拟活动制作人和他们的客户确保他们的内容对听力受损的人来说是无障碍的, without encountering challenging setups or a steep learning curve.

At the same time, 虚拟活动已经成为快速扩张的内容生产者交流的基石. In addition to trade shows and other expos going online, 直播虚拟活动对多个行业都具有重要的战略意义, including streaming media, government, corporate, and education.

这些市场的共同之处在于,为了遵守ADA,字幕是必须的, whether audiences are experiencing in-person or online. For many streaming content producers, EEG Falcon已经成为直接到网络直播的快速字幕通道. In one typical workflow, the video feed is sent through the cloud-hosted Falcon encoder, goes directly to either Lexi or a human provider for captioning, and is then distributed on to the live streaming platforms of choice.

由于这个简单的过程,观众可以实时体验到高精度的字幕. 由于这些改进,直播字幕的复杂性和成本大大降低, 这是一个受欢迎的发展,因为虚拟活动和聚会的压力越来越大,以满足ADA对可访问性的要求.

For example, government/municipal managers—city, county, state, and Federal—know now that failing to update accessibility is costly. ADA compliance lawsuits are steadily increasing 自2011年以来,已有140多起针对市政当局的无障碍不合规诉讼. Legal action on the Federal level in 2018 alone saw 2,258 suits. A $75,在这种情况下,第一次违规可被处以000美元的罚款,并可升至150美元,000 for additional violations. 冠状病毒对市政会议的影响及其对直播视频的迅速采用使得遵守《百家乐app下载》变得更加紧迫.

Captioning e-Learning Live Streams

When using video formats to engage audiences, 高质量的隐藏式字幕对于确保听障人士的可及性至关重要. And there’s no wonder that wide audiences want to participate, since video is an increasingly integral component of education.

According to recent studies在美国,作为继续教育的安全选择的电子学习正在迅速兴起. The size of the global e-learning market could reach $336.98 billion by 2026, and the U.S. alone could account for $6.22 billion by 2022. Online recruiting events and live streaming classes are everywhere. 教育工作者正在将学习体验平台和学习管理系统纳入他们的计划, many of them leveraging AI.

Video, with its power to engage and integrate myriad content formats, 已成为首选的电子学习媒介,现在对在线教育至关重要. However, 应用视频的深层功能也带来了责任,以符合ADA标准的可访问性.

Making video accessible to students who are hearing impaired requires closed captioning. Online education is expanding, 在线学习提供商必须为包括直播课程在内的快速增长的资产加上标题, recorded lessons, lectures and workshops that are post produced, and more.

简单和经济高效的字幕是扩展各种流媒体视频制作的关键. Solutions like EEG’s Falcon, Lexi, 和iCap翻译帮助直播活动不断扩大其影响范围.

About EEG Video

当你在电视或网络上看到封闭字幕时,很可能是脑电图 Video technology is behind the scenes. Our industry-leading line of software 编码设备为流媒体中的转录应用程序提供了动力, broadcasting, post-production, and more. Visit eegent.com to discover our range of automated and human-powered solutions.

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